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Advertising and Leasing


Our goal is to find quality tenants so that you can get a stable income stream. To rent out a particular commercial office or residential unit, we market your property for cost-effective exposure. We have established channels to advertise your property and successfully reach prospective tenants.

In advertising your unit, we first take high quality, flattering photographs of your place and highlight the benefits and pros of your unit in the advertisement. We list in our ad what we are looking for in terms a good tenant, what the expectations are, and provide information on the application screening process.


               We take pride in being meticulous in qualifying tenants.

               Using a totality test and a balanced approach, we seek to

               identify the potential and prospects of each applicant. We use detailed application forms and subscribe to tenant screening services. We go through the application and check tenant income, cash flow, assets, past payments and rental history. While we can not guarantee what the future might hold or guarantee that any one person or company will forever pay rent, we are careful in selecting qualified tenants.  We will also work with the landlord if the landlord wishes to be the final arbiter of who gets in the door.


As often it is the case that individual tenants have different situations and needs, we will conduct negotiations over price, terms, and conditions on your behalf vis-a-vis the prospect in order to accommodate and reach a mutually satisfactory and beneficial outcome. Custom contract drafting of essential or material clauses to the negotiated outcome or transaction is provided amongst our services.


In all the leasing that we do, we adhere to fair housing laws and we are an equal opportunity housing provider.


>>Our Priority Is To Find Quality Tenants So That You Can Get A Stable Income Stream

>>We Qualify Conventional Tenants Through Income and Asset Verification, Employment, Paystubs, and Cashflow Analysis

>>We Are Knowledgeable About Section 8 and Housing Vouchers and Can Rent to People on Housing.

>>We Rent to Commerical Tenants on Triple Net Leases

>>We Are Versed In Lease Contracts

>>We Can Negotiate On Your Behalf to Obtain Desireable Outcomes

(C) Copyright 2012-2023 by ACPM Group. All Rights Reserved.                                             Equal Opportunity Housing Provider

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