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Property Maintenance


We have our network of companies, people and independent contractors whom we work with to help maintain your property in rentable condition, up to code. You may also specify which companies or contractors you wish to work with as part of our property management agreement.


Pursuant to written agreement or course of dealings, we can procure services on your behalf, such as yard maintenance or weed abatement, painting, plumbing work, roofing, flooring, electrical wiring, repairs, etc. For all the services we select, we will seek and negotiate the most cost-effective means to get the job done. We have a network of contractors and vendors ready to handle any type construction or repair work.

Maintenance and Repairs

If maintenance and repairs need to be done, we will get it done. Estimates are procured, bids are considered, contractors are hired. Requisite notice is sent such that either the landlord and/or the tenant will be informed. Records of the estimates/work order are kept and itemized so you know what is being done and how much it costs.


Sometimes permits must be secured in order to perform major renovations, remodeling, or construction work. For example, a sewer lateral replacement may require permits from the city and the water district service provider before we can begin work. We will be able to represent and/or guide you through the process to get the job done, providing help as necessary under our scope of work agreement.

(C) Copyright 2012-2023 by ACPM Group. All Rights Reserved.                                             Equal Opportunity Housing Provider

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